Yesterday's Directory update and CDLINFO announced the availability of Wiley
Current Protocols reference texts, the formal announcement of the
availability of the Nature e-journals, and the announcement of the
availability of MIT Press journals. The timing of these announcements was
unfortunate. ;)

Access to Current Protocols was fine this Wednesday. Yesterday, however,
something happened so that users are now getting challenged and can't get
access. We have calls into Wiley but don't yet have an ETA for a fix.

Access to Nature journals was is continues to be fine. Due to a Sybase
error, the data in the production version was corrupted in 11 of these 13
records so that the URL in the CDL Directory records is broken. We need to
get a patch for Sybase and hope to have this resolved in the coming days. In
the meantime, users can access all the Nature titles by going to the main URL or by linking from the records in the PE

Access to the MIT press journals is available; cataloging records these in
PE and the CDL Directory are forthcoming.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll keep you posted.


Steve Toub
California Digital Library
(510) 987-0078