4 April 2002

Currently, online access to the full text of articles in some of the LWW
(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins) ejournals is not available for some UC
campuses.  Reports of interrupted access to LWW ejournal titles have been
received from UCSF, UCR, and UCSD.  The message that displays when
attempting to access the full text of an article follows.

Subscription Problem
Your online subscription to <LWW ejournal title> is on hold.

CDL is working with LWW and with Highwire Press (the ejournal platform
provider) to resolve the problem.
Please share this information with your colleagues.

Jayne Dickson
Information Services Analyst
California Digital Library
University of California - Office of the President
415 20th Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2901
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