CSA made some changes to their OpenURL support yesterday. Request via
UC-eLinks is currently experiencing problems as a result of these
changes.  We are working on resolving the problems and hope to have them
fixed sometime today.


 From Mary Heath:

Unfortunately, the change that I reported yesterday by CSA (to fix the
problem of Request not receiving book titles) has caused a wide-spread
mapping problem for all source titles, including journals, and Request is
now creating incomplete requests for these items.  Because activity is low
and because we believe that the situation can be remedied fairly quickly, we
would prefer to leave Request on in UC-eLinks.  However, if you are
receiving a flood of bad citations from CSA, please let us know.  Thanks
very much to Laura for her quick response on receiving the bad citations.

We will provide a status update to you by Monday morning at the latest.
Mary Heath

Margery Tibbetts
California Digital Library
University of California
415 20th Street - 4th floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2901
fax - (510)-893-5212