21 June 2002

Yesterday, a problem with the "bit-string" processing caused inconsistent
search results when limits were employed as part of the
search.  Bit-strings allow records in the Melvyl Catalog and the CDL-hosted
databases to be limited by location (campus), date, language,
etc.  Although the underlying problem has been corrected and searches are
processing normally now, new records added to the Melvyl Catalog and to any
of the CDL-hosted databases will not have bit-strings in place until 8 AM
on Monday, June 24, 2002.  The records affected will be those loaded into
the system today through Sunday (6/21-6/23).

This means that any search entered in any of the CDL-hosted databases that
employs any kind of limit, such as by campus, publication type, form, etc.,
will not pick up any of the records loaded in the system after June 20,
2002.  Limits will function normally for all records beginning at 8 AM on
June 24, 2002.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Please share this
information with your colleagues.

Jayne Dickson
Information Services Analyst
California Digital Library
University of California - Office of the President
415 20th Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2901
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