1 July 2002

The Melvyl-T prototype catalog, a small prototype catalog database of ~630,000 records, or about 3% of the current Melvyl catalog, is now available for review and testing by library staff and those selected users with whom staff want to share the news.   This prototype reflects improvements from two rounds of usability testing performed with the help of library staff and selected users at all nine campuses.

The URL for the prototype catalog is

A telnet version of the catalog, based on the same small database, is available at telnet://lotje.ucop.edu

We want to hear from you!  In addition to usability testing, Melvyl-T’s user interface has been built with the advice and hard work of the systemwide Melvyl Services and Education/Usability Transition teams, and the database itself with valued input of the Database and Technology Team.  Additional comments and feedback are important to us.  A place to provide feedback on the new interface is available from the web version of Melvyl-T via the “comments and feedback” link at the bottom of all pages in the catalog. 

To provide feedback on the telnet version, link to 

Two important notes:
·       During this prototype phase, the catalog is on a small server with a limited number of licensed users, so you may be turned away when trying to access the catalog.  If you encounter a “system is busy” message please try again another time. The full (production) catalog will be on a much, much larger platform designed to handle high levels of use.
·       The full Melvyl-T catalog, containing all UC records, is scheduled to be released in Fall 2002.  Legacy (current) Melvyl will continue to be available until July 2003, after which time legacy Melvyl will be retired and Melvyl-T will become the new Melvyl!

Jayne Dickson
Information Services Analyst
California Digital Library
University of California - Office of the President
415 20th Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2901
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