Jayne et al:
I just tried the UCe-Links text link in Netscape and IE.  In Netscape, it
does indeed work properly, i.e. it took me to the usual UCe-Links screens
with the options to search Melvyl or request on ILL.  However, in IE the
link took me to a search screen in Melvyl-T directly with no option for
ILL.  So while this gives some functionality to  UCe-Links in IE, it is
not as complete as in Netscape.

Thanks...Elaine Adams, UCLA Science & Engineering

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 16:00:35 -0700 Jayne Dickson <[log in to unmask]>

Elaine B. Adams
Science & Engineering Library (SEL)
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1598
email: [log in to unmask]
voice mail: (310) 825-2649       fax:  (310) 206-3908