18 July 2003, 10:30 AM

Both the telnet (telnet://melvyl.cdlib.org) and web
(http://melvyl.cdlib.org) versions of the new Melvyl (Melvyl-T) are
temporarily unavailable.  CDL hopes to resolve the problem and restore
access to these resources as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, both the telnet (telnet://melvyl.ucop.edu) and web
(http://www.dbs.cdlib.org) versions of the legacy Melvyl Catalog and
Periodicals Titles databases are available.

Please share this information with your colleagues.

Jayne Dickson
Information Services Analyst
California Digital Library
University of California - Office of the President
415 20th Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2901
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