Our Data Center reports that all services should now be accessible and
campus DNS caches should have been cleared.  Please let us know if there
are any remaining difficulties in accessing services.

Type: Unscheduled

Outage_begin: Monday, June 13, 5:00PM

Outage_end:  Tuesday, June 14, 1:14PM

Component: no access to resources available from cdlib.org

Remarks: Access to any and all resources available from the cdlib.org
domain are currently NOW available.  This includes (among other resources):
the Melvyl Catalog, the Directory of CDL-Licensed Resources, the PID server
(online access to licensed ejournals), the Online Archive of California
(OAC), the Request (Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery service), the
VDX server (internal ILL processing), Counting California, UC-eLinks, etc.
The UCOP Network group is working with the other UC Campus's to see if
there are any users still affected...This issue has been fixed.