OCLC is experiencing a timeout issue with the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot supported by WorldCat Local (WCL) that is impacting all sites.  When availability information is not retrieved, rather than timing out after 45 seconds and providing the user a standard message, WCL keeps waiting for availability information.  This bug was inadvertently introduced during this weekend’s install of new workflow options.


Note: This only impacts records for which WCL could not find availability.  If availability information is found, WCL works as designed.


An out-of-cycle install to fix this issue will go in Wednesday evening (9/10/08) to correct this. 


Please share this information with your colleagues.

Ellen Meltzer
Information Services Manager
University of California-California Digital Library
415 20th Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510.987.9214 Fax: 510.287.3825