15 March 2011


CDL has received the following information regarding the CiNii Japanese online journals.




To CiNii users,


We thank you for your patronage of NII services.


As you may know, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) had scheduled to conduct the rolling blackout from March 14 to help prevent an unexpected large scale power outage after the earthquake.


Therefore, all of the following contents services have been stopped all day from March 14 [JST].


The information about the schedule after March 16 will be announced at the Web site (http://www.nii.ac.jp/en/) or Twitter (@jouhouken, @cinii_jp).


We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause you, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


CiNii desk: [log in to unmask]


Please share this information with your colleagues.



Jayne Dickson

CDL Information Services

California Digital Library

University of California


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