To:          UC Libraries Advisory Structure (via Marlo Young for information)

                Users Council  (via Jayne Dickson for information & distribution)

                LAUC (via Matt Conner for information & distribution)

Cc:          CoUL

From:    Rosalie Lack, Chair, Coordinating Committee, UCLAS

Date:     16 October 2014


UC Libraries Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the launch of the UC Libraries Advisory Structure’s UCLAS Webinar Series.

UCLAS Webinars provide an opportunity to learn more about systemwide initiatives and projects where attendees can ask questions and engage with the presenters.


Mark your calendar for the first webinar!  UC Libraries Systemwide Plan & Priorities



Lorelei Tanji, CoUL Chair and UCI University Librarian

Ginny Steel, UCLA University Librarian


When: October 30, 2-3  pm


Register now:



What topics will the UCLAS Webinars cover? The first webinar on October 30th discusses and provides an overview of the University of California Libraries, Systemwide Plan & Priorities, FY 2014-2018 .

Future webinars topics will be drawn from areas of work led by the various UCLAS groups, for example Shared Print, UCLDC, Collaborative Digitization, or UC OA Policy.


Who can attend? The webinars are open to all UC librarians and library staff.  They will be recorded and posted online afterwards, if you are unable to attend the live session.


How often will they be held? In this inaugural year, we will host 1-2 webinars quarterly.


How will topics be chosen? The UCLAS Coordinating  Committee will collaborate with the Chairs of the UCLAS groups and the LAUC Executive Board to identify webinar topics and speakers. Suggestions can also be submitted by anyone directly to the Coordinating Committee via email at [log in to unmask] .


UCLAS Webinar Series Homepage: