The above release has been issued to address the UCRP Supplemental assessment for the STIP Note and External Financing covers debt service on advances made to UCRP.  The assessment may not charge service interest to Federal Funds, and so the processing in PPS has been modified to address this.

We have been asked to install these changes to impact earnings paid in April.  Since the March Monthly payroll pays on 3/29/2018 this will be scheduled for installation to affect the Bi-Weekly pay cycle March 11, 2018 through March 24, 2018, which pays on April 4, 2018.

Our current target installation date is March 28, 2018 for all hosted locations, assuming we have your approvals.

This release affects only the compute processing and had no functional impact that we have been made aware of.

As always please let us know of any questions, comments, or concerns.
