At the present time, linking at the article level is not working for Journals@Ovid (LWW Journals).  Ovid has implemented a new version of search that indicates that you can click the link to go to Ovid’s traditional search; see below.  Unfortunately, clicking the traditional search link resolves to the new search interface which doesn’t include UC’s licensed content.


However, the article content is still available if you search for the journal (either via your campus catalog or e-journals A-Z list) and then navigate to the volume and issue for the desired article.


CDL has contacted Ovid technical support staff who are currently working on resolving the problem.  No ETA for a resolution is available at this time.  We will send additional CDLAlerts as more information becomes available.



Please share this information with your colleagues.


Jayne Dickson

Information Services/CDL

UC Office of the President


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