Dear CDLALERT Subscribers,


The recent network outages at UCOP and their impact on CDL services got us thinking about alternate ways to contact our CDLALERT subscribers in case of either a network outage or an emergency situation.   We felt particularly frustrated about our inability to reach you during our last outage that occurred in the middle of a work day.  As campus staff called in to report that something was wrong, we asked them to send messages out on their own campus library allusers lists informing their colleagues that CDL services were down.  Earthquakes and fires are always risks in California, and we can’t help but worry about “the big one” and how we’d contact you if our services were unavailable.


Because CDL has a staff presence at UCSD, we have worked with our colleagues there to create a secondary CDLALERT listserv hosted at UCSD. We are thrilled that the staff has been able to accommodate our request and help with the logistics. We have copied the list of CDLALERT subscribers to a secondary CDLALERT listserv at UCSD. 


So if you see a CDLALERT coming from UCSD, you’ll know that something is amiss up here in Oakland—but at least we’ll be able to inform you.  (If the UCOP network were down, the messages would come from CDL Information Service Staffs’ personal email accounts, still with CDLALERT in the subject line.) 


Thanks to UCSD, especially Tim Marconi and Declan Fleming, for their help in hosting this secondary listserv .


CDL Information Services


Ellen Meltzer

Information Services Manager

University of California - California Digital Library      

415 20th Street

Oakland, CA 94612  
