To:                          UC Libraries Advisory Structure (for information)

                                Users Council Liaisons (for information & distribution)

                                LAUC (for information & distribution)

CC:                         Council of University Librarians (for information)

From:                    Lorelei Tanji, Chair, CoUL

Date:                     14 July 2014



The Council of University Librarians would like to thank and acknowledge the extensive work of all the UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) members this past year. We are impressed by the significant, and numerous, accomplishments that occurred during this inaugural year of launching the UC Libraries Advisory Structure.  Implementing a new structure, aligning with CoUL’s systemwide priorities, and working collaboratively across UC campuses demonstrates adaptability and commitment amidst a period of great change.  We are encouraged by the new ideas and participation that this restructuring has allowed for. We sincerely thank all members for their continued dedication to UC systemwide collaboration and commitment to ensuring the effectiveness of systemwide efforts.


A brief summary of advisory structure work that is in process or has been completed during this past year is now available at:  


As long as the list is, there are numerous tasks undertaken to maintain and monitor the structure, which are not reflected in the table.


Below are a few highlights of the activities.

·         The Coordinating Committee (CC). The CC focused on transitioning into the new structure which included establishing and clarifying procedures, workflows and related documentation. The Committee also defined and launched the Common Knowledge Groups (CKG) guidelines and registration process, as well as over the course of the year reviewing and approving the launch of 10 CKGs.

·         Strategic Action Group 1: Scholarly Research & Communication (SAG1). Focused their efforts primarily on the new UC Open Access policy and on data curation activities. In particular, they defined a collaborative process for working with the newly launched Office of Scholarly Communications.   They also worked in collaboration with the Collections Licensing Subgroup on a number of OA initiatives, as well as supporting OA policy implementation activities.

·         Strategic Action Group 2: Access, Discovery & Infrastructure (SAG2).  SAG2’s areas of focus include discovery, access, digital assets management and user experience. In support of these efforts, they successfully recruited and staffed the Digital Reference Ask-a-Librarian Service Manager, reviewed and responded to CoUL’s request to investigate the feasibility of single sign-on via Shibboleth; worked closely with the UCL Digital Collection (UCLDC) project, and launched a task force to investigate a UC shared metadata policy

·         Strategic Action Group 3: Collection Building & Management (SAG3).  SAG3’s areas of focus include UC-wide shared collection building, shared acquisitions, cataloging, preservation and mass digitization. SAG 3 reviewed and dismissed two Next Generation Technical Services (NGTS) projects, with one still under review; is exploring different approaches and subject areas with regards to collaborative digitization, and has a number of projects underway: Shared Print, federal documents and Shared ILS/Resource Management System for the UC Libraries.

·         Collection Licensing Subgroup (CLS). In addition to finalizing major ejournal licenses with Sage, Elsevier, Wiley, Springer and Nature, CLS also completed an ebook Framework report, an article delivery service task force report, conducted an assessment of the UC Open Access Fund, as well as continuing a Demand Driven Acquisitions Task Force, and collaborating with SAG1 to charge a Transformative Publishing Model Pilot Task Force.


Additional details about UC Libraries Advisory Structure can be found here: 

