We have received the changes to PPS for Open Enrollment for 2014.

The changes this year are small, containing the following:
Creating a GTN for the HSA employer contribution for employees who are enrolled and continuing in the High Deductible Health Savings Plan
Applying a control table update requirement to adjust the maximum employee contribution GTN for the HSA.
Establishing a new program / process to generate GTN employer contributions transactions for employees who are continuing with the HSA plan into the following year.

We have the release in hand and are proceeding with staging it for installation.

We expect to complete our activity by 11/16/2014, with the execution and application of the transactions to occur during the Calendar year End freeze.  Please note that this process will require a stand alone EDB update to apply the transactions after the application of the Open Enrollment II transactions.

Please approve installation as soon as possible.

As always if you have questions or concerns please let us know.