Happy Holidays!

As promised we have received the above release to address a couple of issues arising from the original Tier 2016 release.  As was summarized in the communications from Payroll Coordination the release accomplishes the following:
  1.	Three new fields are added to the ECEN function.
    a.	UCRP Election End date (EDB0797)
    b.	UCRP Fidelity Election (EDB0786) 
    c.	UCRP Election Date (EDB0792).
  2.	The fidelity ID has been added to the IRTR function.
  3.	Reports PPP5911 & PPP5912 have been modified to include PEPRA CCL values P & Q.
  4.	Creates a new report to track employees whose retirement code is X (pending election) and have passed their 90-day election period.  This report will be created with normal nightly processing.
  5.	Two consistency edits have been added:
    a.	An edit for invalid combinations of CCL and retirement codes.
    b.	An edit requiring an election period begin date field be populated when retirement code is X.
  6.	The text for the pension formulas on the California SCO has been replaced.

The release requests that this be installed quickly to prevent any further issues arising from the corrected processing.  As such we plan to install this change on 12/13/2016 for all hosted campuses.

Please respond with your approval as soon as is practical for you.

As always if you have comments, questions, or concerns please let us know.
