

Winter 2018/2019 Newsletter

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Please follow the links below to check out the full posts from Winter 2018/2019 on the WESTinfo blog.


A very happy New Year to all of you! Over the last months of 2018, WEST members committed to another two years of titles for archiving, the program continued to progress in its collaborative activities with the national Rosemont Shared Print Alliance, and recruited a new Program Manager. Much more is coming with 2019, including new features for AGUA, WEST’s home-grown decision support tool!


Ø  The WEST Members Meeting for ALA Midwinter in Seattle is scheduled for Sunday, January 27th, from 1-2:30pm at the Hyatt Regency, Room Cispus 403. In addition to program updates, part of the meeting will be devoted to a panel discussion featuring WEST’s Archive Builders. WEST’s six Archive Builders handle high-risk titles from the Silver and Gold title categories. Builders physically validate the holdings of these titles and proactively seek to consolidate a complete set of related titles by requesting contributions from WEST member libraries. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about WEST’s Archive Builders, Silver and Gold archives, and the work that goes into making WEST archives robust and complete. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend… (more).


Ø  WEST welcomed its new Program Manager, Alison Wohlers, in the middle of December. Alison served previously as Operations and Collections Analyst for WEST and is grateful and excited to continue her work with the program in this new role… (more). 


Ø  At the end of September, WEST members finalized their commitments for titles to be archived over Cycles 8 and 9, which will extend through spring of 2020… (more).


Hoping to see many of you at the WEST Members Meeting in January!


The WEST Project Team

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