Hello all. Our next SCCKG meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, June 15 at 1pm PT. Does anyone have a topic they'd like to discuss? Here are the potential topics that have been suggested by group members for future meetings (the UCSF wiki is not accessible right now to non-UCSF, so I'm copying and pasting from our deep dive topics page<https://wiki.library.ucsf.edu/x/9KiMHg>):

  *   Transformative agreements & impacts on campus library staff
     *   Open access outreach and communication to communities - distinctions of TA, OA funds, OA policies
     *   Impacts of budget cuts on all of this
  *   Presidential OA policy UCPMS rollout
  *   UC OA Fund benchmarking survey results
  *   DEI resources for scholarly communication on OSC web
  *   Bibliometric services in UC libraries
  *   How campuses are informing people about the Copyright Claims Board
