
Do you already have a shared folder of author agreements, kindly forwarded to you from any authors who may have actually downloaded them (unlikely)? 

Yes, all journals within a given publisher might theoretically have different agreements, and yes we can't keep something like that current because publishers update them all the time -- I don't care about any of that. I just want at least something that we could consult (in a shared folder) so that we don't usually have to reinvent the wheel in advising scholars or preparing presentations if we're curious about what a "standard" agreement or what a typical Wiley or Cambridge agreement sometimes provides.

If you don't already have a shared folder for all of this, I could start one and start populating it with a few agreements. 


Rachael G. Samberg, J.D., MLIS
Scholarly Communication Officer & Program Director
Office of Scholarly Communication Services
University of California, Berkeley
Doe Library, 189 Annex
Berkeley, CA  94720-6000
Pronouns: she/her