Hello all. The February 28 session of the Bay Area Open Science Group<https://bayareaopensciencegroup.github.io/> features a topic that may be of interest to you. Online from 2-3 pm and open to all:

This month the Bay Area Open Science Group will discuss "Building Blocks for Impact<https://sfdora.org/resource/rethinking-research-assessment-building-blocks-for-impact/>" - a one-pager that outlines and illustrates the wide variety of academic achievements and outcomes that could be considered “impactful”. This model visualizes “impact” on two dimensions: scale of contributions’ influence and new types of audiences. We will be joined by Ruth Schmidt, an associate professor at the Institute of Design (ID) at Illinois Tech, whose research sits at the intersection of behavioral science, humanity-centered design, and complex systems. She has been working with DORA for several years to tackle research assessment reform from a behavioral systems perspective, resulting in tools like "Building Blocks for Impact" to provide new structures and language that help expand traditional notions of defining and assessing quality researchers.

Register at https://calendars.library.ucsf.edu/event/10243249.

Other upcoming sessions:

  *   Feb 28: Assessing Impactful Research with Ruth Schmidt register here<https://ucsf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpdeurrjksGdyO8XHYqTBUeed9gsuZNGLT>
  *   Mar 28: Stanford Data Science Center for Open and Reproducible Science register here<https://ucsf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMsde-srjgrGNSIJFcCSxyX9tT5JGmy9zTQ>
  *   Apr 25: Open Science in Bioengineering with the Fraser Lab register here<https://ucsf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvcOGuqjsoH9LRaYqhM5zAn4U00AHj5yBP>
  *   May 23: Open Data with Steve Diggs register here<https://ucsf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtceupqzIsG9JWeBItntRjC-RzWqwb0FRS>


Anneliese Taylor, MLIS (she, her) |

Head of Scholarly Communication |

University of California, San Francisco Library |
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | 415-476-8415 (voicemail) |