Hello CKG,

A recent OSC working group was tasked with answering the question "what kind of self-service help can we provide for authors with long publication lists (usually emeriti) who come to us looking for guidance about getting all their old stuff on eScholarship?" My fellow group members and I eventually came up with a guide that's been living, quietly, on the OSC site for a few months now:
Collect and share your publications

Some of you have seen a draft of this already, but since then it's been (partly) user tested and revised so it is now New and Improved! I'm hoping to add it to the menus and give it a splashy announcement on the blog soon, but I'd like to ask you all to take a look at it first and see what you think. 

Martha and Michael have kindly offered me time during our meeting on 8/16 to cover this topic. At the meeting I'll give a little background on the project, then answer any questions you may have and take notes on your thoughts. I'm sending it out now so that you have a chance to look through it beforehand. 

Thanks in advance,
Katie Fortney, J.D., M.L.I.S.
Copyright Policy & Education Officer
California Digital Library
UC Office of the President
[telecommuting from Santa Cruz]
Pronouns: she, her, hers